Freitag, 9. April 2021

[捷克] [棒球] 🇨🇿⚾️Czech Republic Extraliga Watching Guide 捷克棒球收看指南

 Selfmade baseball map (incl. Schedule, Standings, Livestream links)


🇪🇺⚾️ Baseball Europa 2021 歐洲棒球地圖

Czech Republic Extraliga official website 捷克棒球Extraliga聯盟官方網站

Guide of Czech Republic Extraliga official website 官網使用說明 

●Follow the news of the league 關注聯盟動態

BaseballCzech offical Twitter account 聯盟官方推特帳號
Milujeme Baseball Twitter account 捷克棒球部落客推特帳號

●Livestreams 比賽轉播

How to follow the games of this leauge:如何收看轉播

1. Get the livestream links from Czech Republic Extraliga official website or here on捷克棒球電視

You can always check out the "green point" on the schedule of the Czech Republic Extraliga official website. The "green point" is the link of, which is the centralized streaming service of the leauge. On the, you can find all the YouTube streams, the iscore app links, and the Livecams on it. I would recommend you to watch the stream with the iscore app which would help the fans get to know the teams and the rosters. 

聯盟官網左邊的的賽程表上點選「綠色小點點」,可以連結到今年聯盟最新推出的集中式轉播服務捷克棒球電視。捷克棒球電視結合了賽程表和YouTube轉播連結、iscore App 連結(有Play by Play,球員姓名)和Livecam直播攝影機(無聲)。新球迷建議在看YouTube轉播的時候同時搭配iscore App使用,方便更認識球隊和個別球員和了解場上的情況。

2. Get the livestream links from the following table 各隊轉播連結彙整表Last update: 07/05/2021 最近更新日期

Update content: 

▲New streams available→OLYMPIA BLANSKO Baseball & Sofball Club on YouTubebaseball trebic nuclears YouTube

▲Most streams of the league have been significantly improved during these weeks.


▲新轉播上線OLYMPIA BLANSKO Baseball & Sofball Club on YouTubebaseball trebic nuclears YouTube


Stream quality 轉播品質

Stable stream, clear view, commentary, music, point card on the scream, passion of the broadcaster


★★★★★ professional 非常專業

★★★★ enjoyable 樂在其中

★★★ satisfied 還算滿意

★★ watchable 勉強能看

hard to watch 難以觀看


Czech Republic Extraliga



Stream links


Commentary languages






Arrows Ostrava

Arrows Ostrava YouTube



1 fixed camera with point card, with the sound from the ballpark

Blesk Jablonec





Draci Brno

Draci TV on Facebook

Draci TV on YouTube



2 fixed camera, with 1 broadcaster, point cards and line ups.

Eagles Praha

Eagles Praha YouTube



1 fixed camera, music from the ballpark

Sokol Hluboká

Hluboká Baseball & Softball Club YouTube



2 fixed cameras, with 1 broadcaster, point cards and line ups.

Cardion Hroši Brno

HBTV - Hroši Brno YouTube



1 fixed camera, with 1 broadcaster, point cards and line ups.

Kotlářka Praha

Kotlářka Praha Baseball YouTube



2 fixed camera, with 1 broadcaster, point cards and line ups.

Třebíč Nuclears

baseball trebic nuclears YouTube



2 fixed camera, with 1 broadcaster, point cards.

Olympia Blansko

OLYMPIA BLANSKO Baseball & Sofball Club on YouTube



1 fixed camera, with the sound & music from the ballpark

Tempo Praha

Tempo Praha YouTube



1 fixed camera with point card, with the sound from the ballpark


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