●Selfmade baseball map (incl. Schedule, Standings, Livestream links)
🇩🇪⚾️ Baseball Berlin Brandenburg 2021 柏林柏蘭登堡棒球地圖
🇩🇪⚾️ Baseball Deutschland 2021 德國棒球地圖
🇪🇺⚾️ Baseball Europa 2021 歐洲棒球地圖
●German Baseball-Bundesliga official website 德國棒球聯邦聯賽聯盟官方網站
Guide of German Baseball-Bundesliga official website 官網使用說明
●Follow the news of the league 關注聯盟動態
Baseball & Softball offical Twitter account 聯盟官方推特帳號
●Livestreams 比賽轉播
How to follow the games of this leauge:如何收看轉播
1. Get the livestream links from German Baseball-Bundesliga official website 聯盟官方網站的連結
The current schedule is posted on the homepage of the offical website weekly. It's easy to follow the games. When it's game day, simply go to the homepage, klick the 📺 livestream links which you'd like to watch.
2. Get the livestream links from the following table 各隊轉播連結彙整表 Last update: 13/05/2021 最近更新日期
Update content:
▲You can support their fantastic work by becoming their member of Legionäre TV on YouTube. 13/05/2021
▲IT sure Falcons Ulm's stream is now on the Sport Deutschland TV. 07/05/2021
▲New Stream service available→Alligators TV 07/05/2021
▲New Stream service available→Tonados TV 03/05/2021
▲since the Tonados TV is online, all the teams from Baseball-Bundesliga Süd have their own stream service. 03/05/2021
▲Legionäre TV YouTube頻道開放觀眾成為頻道會員,小額贊助他們的自製高水準棒球轉播。13/05/2021
▲IT sure Falcons Ulm 賽事轉播在 Sport Deutschland TV上架。 07/05/2021
▲新轉播上線→Alligators TV。07/05/2021
▲新轉播上線→Tonados TV。03/05/2021
quality 轉播品質
stream, clear view, commentary, music, point card on the scream, passion of the
professional 非常專業
★★★★ enjoyable
★★★ satisfied 還算滿意
★★ watchable
★ hard to
watch 難以觀看
1.Bundesliga-Nord 北區
1.Bundesliga-Süd 南區